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  • Payment in full is required upon reservation to confirm the rental. Rentals without any deposit are not guaranteed until payment has been received. Unconfirmed reservations may be released at any time.

  • Valid Drivers' License must be verified before the handoff of the vehicle. 

  • A  pre-authorization of $500 will be placed on your card on file upon pick up and released upon safe return of the vehicle.

  • Every rental includes 300 miles/day. Mileage is counted as the sum total of the entire trip. Excess miles will be charged at a rate of $0.85/additional mile at the end of the trip. Unlimited mileage may be purchased before the trip begins.

  • Return: Please return the vehicle with at least 70% charge.  Low battery charge fees will be applied upon return as follows: 0-20%: $50.00, 21-50%: $20.00, 51-70%: $10.00.   Alternatively, you may purchase the “Prepaid EV Recharge” option which allows you to return without fully recharging. Please return with a  minimum of 10% charge. This option does not cover supercharging fees incurred during your trip. All supercharging is subject to reimbursement. 

  • Our vehicles are equipped with USB memory sticks that allow for sentry mode and dashcam footage storage for your safety during your trip. These options can be turned off through the main screen if you'd like, however, tampering, removal, or loss of USB memory device will result in a $100 replacement fee.

  • Our vehicles also include a membership pass to our local car wash.  You are welcome to use it if you wish, however, removal or loss of the Car Wash pass will result in a $50 replacement fee.

  • You are responsible for any fees incurred during your trip (tolls, fines, charging fees, charger idle fees, etc.)

  • Absolutely no smoking or pets. Any violations will be subject to a fee in accordance with the damages assessed.

  • You agree that you are providing your own insurance coverage for the vehicle you are renting for its actual cash value. Tesla Rental OKC is not qualified to evaluate the adequacy of your existing coverage; therefore you should examine your automobile insurance policies, credit card protections, or other sources of coverage. You agree that you will be fully personally liable for repairing or replacing the vehicle in the event of a claim.

  • We reserve the right to decline renting our vehicles to any person at any time. lf we decline your rental request all payments made to us will be refunded to you in full.

  • Cancellation - You may cancel the reservation for a full refund up to 48 hours after the time of booking or 24 hours from the reservation start time for "short notice" trips (booked within 2 days of start date). Trips canceled after that time will receive a refund of 50% of the rental cost.

  • No Show – If you fail to pick up the vehicle within one hour of the stated Pick Up Date and Time, and no notice of cancellation or modification has been provided to us, the reservation will be canceled and you will be refunded the total trip cost plus any deposits collected, minus the daily rate for one day. 

  • Exceptions to the Cancellation and No Show policy may apply in the event of a flight delay, flight cancellation, or other extenuating circumstances, such as death or severe illness, hospitalization, government-mandated obligations, natural disasters or severe weather incidents, epidemic or pandemics as reported by the   WHO or the CDC. Documentation may be required.

  • Changes - Please contact us. We will strive to accommodate changes, subject to vehicles' availability.

  • No drivers under 21 years of age allowed. All drivers must have valid driver licenses. Learners’ permit is not allowed.

  • Late Returns: vehicles returned after the return date and time on the rental agreement, without prior notification or arrangement made with us,  will be subject to a$50 charge for each hour beyond the scheduled return time.  Vehicles returned more than 2 hours past the scheduled return time will be subject to an additional day's rate.

  • Lost and Found. Contact us at 405-283-6310 if you left something behind in the car, so that we can arrange for its return. Found items are held for a maximum of 30 days.   Anyone wishing to claim lost and found property must provide a detailed description of the item, proof of ownership and valid ID or a Driver's License.

Financial Responsibility Notice
While the vehicle is in your care, custody, and control, you are responsible for all damage to the vehicle, even if someone else caused it or the cause is unknown. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, towing, storage, and impound fees. Your own insurance, or the issuer of the credit card you use to pay for the rental may cover all or part of your financial responsibility for damage to, or loss of, the rented vehicle. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. If you use a credit card that provides coverage for your responsibility for damage to, or loss of, the vehicle, you should check with the issuer to determine whether or not you must first exhaust the coverage limits of your insurance before the credit card coverage applies.  In the event litigation is initiated relating to or arising out of this Agreement, then the renter is responsible for all attorney fees and costs in the event Tesla Rental OKC prevails.


Legal Notices
1 .    Definitions. "Agreement" means all terms and conditions found on this form. "You" or "your" means the person identified as the renter in this agreement, any person signing this agreement, any authorized driver and any person or organization to whom charges are billed by us at its or your direction. All persons referred to as "you" or "your" are jointly and severally bound by this agreement. "We", "our" or "us" means Tesla Rental OKC LLC. "Authorized Driver" means the renter, the renter's spouse, and any additional driver listed by us on this agreement, provided that each such person has a valid driver's license and is at least age 21. 'Vehicle" means the automobile identified in this agreement and any vehicle we substitute for it, all its tires, tools, accessories, equipment, keys and vehicle documents. " Physical Damage" means damage to or loss of, the Vehicle resulting from (but not limited to) collision, theft, vandalism, acts of nature, riots or other civil disturbances, hail, flood, fire or any other loss not caused by collision. "Loss of Use" means the loss of our ability to use the Vehicle for our purposes because of Vehicle damage or loss, including, without limitation, use for rent, display for rent and/or sale, an opportunity to upgrade or sell, or transportation of employees.

2 .    Rental, Indemnity and Warranties. Only Authorized Drivers may use the Vehicle. Authorized Drivers include only those individuals named in the Rental Agreement or permitted by state law. We may repossess the Vehicle at your expense without notice to you if the Vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of law or of this Agreement. This agreement is for the rental of the vehicle. You agree to indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from all judgments, claims, liability, costs and attorney fees we incur resulting from, or arising out of, this rental and your use of the Vehicle or Optional Equipment (as defined below). You release us, our agents and our employees from all claims for loss of or damage to your personal property or that of another person that we received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the Vehicle or in any service vehicle or in our offices, whether or not the loss or damage was caused by our negligence or was otherwise our responsibility. We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Vehicle, no warranty of merchantability and no warranty that the Vehicle is fit for a particular purpose. In no event shall we be liable to you for any indirect, special or consequential damages related directly or indirectly to any alleged breach by us of this Agreement.

3. Condition and Return of Vehicle. Tesla Rental OKC hereby represents, warrants and agrees as follows (1) the vehicle is in good working order and, as provided above, will function properly when used for its intended purpose; (2) Tesla Rental OKC shall, at Tesla Rental OKC' cost and expense, replace or repair any piece of the vehicle that is not in good working order or condition at the inception of this agreement, as determined by us in our sole discretion. You must return the vehicle to the location specified in this agreement on the date and time specified in this agreement and in the same condition that you received it except for ordinary wear and tear. Service to the vehicle or replacement of parts or accessories during the rental must have our prior approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. You will check and maintain all fluid and battery levels. We may lawfully and peacefully repossess the vehicle at a minimum cost of $500 with notice to you during regular business hours, if the vehicle is abandoned or used in violation of applicable law or this agreement, including but not limited to reckless driving or negligent use of the battery.

4 .    Responsibility for Damage or Loss; Reporting to Police. Regardless of fault, you are responsible for all damage to, loss of, or theft of the Vehicle during the rental period resulting from any cause. Your responsibility includes, but is not limited to: (a) physical damage caused by collisions, weather, vandalism, road conditions, acts of nature, and any other cause resulting in physical damage to the Vehicle; (b) if we determine that the Vehicle is a total loss, the full fair market value of the Vehicle, less salvage; (c) if we determine that the Vehicle is repairable: (A) the difference between the value of the Vehicle immediately before the damage and the value immediately after the damage; or (B) the reasonable estimated retail value or actual cost of repair plus Diminution of Value, meaning the difference between the fair market value of the Vehicle before damage or loss and its value after repairs as calculated by a third-party estimate obtained by us or on our behalf; and (d) Loss of Use, which shall be measured by multiplying the daily rental rate noted on this Agreement by the actual number of days from the date the Vehicle is damaged until it is replaced or repaired, which you agree represents reasonable Loss of Use damages and not a penalty. You must report all accidents involving the Vehicle or theft of the Vehicle and vandalism to us and the police promptly. 

5 .    Battery Levels. You acknowledge that depleting the battery to 0 (per cent or miles of range) causes lasting damage to the vehicle's battery and other systems and as such, a damage fee of $500 will be applied to your reservation in the event that you deplete the battery to 0 while it is under your care (i.e. during a rental where you are listed as a driver). You further acknowledge that repeatedly charging the battery to 100% causes lasting damage to the vehicle's battery and agree to maintain a charge level below 90% unless required for a specific trip leg.

6 .    Prohibited Uses. The following uses of the Vehicle are prohibited and constitute material breaches of this Agreement. The Vehicle shall not be used: (a) by anyone who is not an Authorized Driver, or by anyone whose driving license is suspended in any jurisdiction; (b) by anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol; (c) by anyone who obtained the Vehicle or extended the rental by giving us false, fraudulent or misleading information; (d) in furtherance of any illegal purpose or under any circumstance that would constitute a felony or other violation of law (other than a minor traffic violation); (e) to carry persons or property for hire; (f) to push or tow anything; (g) in any race, speed test or contest; (h) to teach anyone to drive; (i) to carry dangerous or hazardous items or illegal material; (j) outside the United States or Canada (unless that use is specifically authorized in this Agreement) or in the state of New York and Kentucky; (k) to transport more persons than the Vehicle has seat belts, or to carry persons outside the passenger compartment; (l) to transport children without approved child safety seats as required by law; (m) when the odometer has been tampered with or disconnected; (n) when it is reasonable for you to know that further operation would damage the Vehicle; (o) with inadequately secured cargo; (p) in connection with a willful, wanton or reckless act; or (q) by anyone who is sending or reading an electronic message, including text (SMS) messages or emails, while operating the Vehicle. Smoking in the Vehicle is also prohibited. ANY PROHIBITED USE OF THE VEHICLE VIOLATES THIS AGREEMENT AND SHALL INVALIDATE ANY COVERAGE PRODUCT (WHERE PERMITTED BY LAW). For purposes of this Agreement, in addition to any appropriate local statutory definition, a "willful," "wanton" or "reckless" act shall also include (but not be limited to): (1) the use of unauthorized equipment on or in the Vehicle; and (2) aiding in the theft of the Vehicle or failing to safeguard the keys and the Vehicle is stolen or vandalized.

7 .    Insurance. You are responsible for all damage or loss you cause to others. You agree to provide auto liability, collision and comprehensive insurance covering you, us, and the vehicle. Where state law requires us to provide auto liability insurance, or if you have no auto liability insurance, we provide auto liability insurance (the "Policy") that is secondary to any other valid and collectable insurance whether primary, secondary, excess or contingent. The policy provides bodily injury and property damage liability coverage with limits no higher than minimum levels prescribed by the financial responsibility laws of the State whose laws apply to the loss. You and we reject personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments, no​ fault, and uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage, where permitted by law. Coverage is void if you knowingly violate the terms of this agreement, if you provided false or fraudulent information to us and we would have not rented the vehicle had we received true information, or if damage to the vehicle results from (a) operation of the vehicle in violation of the Prohibited Uses listed above; (b) providing false or fraudulent information regarding the cause or circumstance of damage; (c) excessive speeding and/ or depleting of the battery to less than 10 miles of range; or, (d)if you fail to reasonably cooperate in any loss investigation conducted by us, or our insurer. Giving the vehicle to an unauthorized driver terminates our liability insurance coverage, if any. Our rental insurance covers damage up to full vehicle value with a $3,000 deductible and has liability coverage up to the state minimum.

8 .    Charges. You will pay us on demand for all undisputed charges due us under this agreement that are allowed by law, including, but not limited to (a) time and mileage for the period you keep the vehicle, or a mileage charge based on our experience if the odometer or its seal is tampered with or disconnected; (b) charges for optional products you elected to purchase from us; (c) battery level, if you return the vehicle with less battery charge than when rented; (d) applicable taxes; (e) all reasonable actual out-of-pocket expenses we incur recovering the vehicle if you fail to return it to the renting location, or if we repossess it under the terms of this agreement; (f) costs, including pre- and post-judgment outside attorney fees, we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing or defending our rights under this agreement; (g) a 2% late payment fee on all amounts past due; (h) $50 or the maximum amount permitted by law, whichever is greater, if you pay us with a bad check; (i) a fee not to exceed $350 to clean the vehicle if returned substantially less clean than when rented, or a fee not to exceed $500 to clean the vehicle if bio-waste or bodily fluids are present in the vehicle; and (j) late return fees of $50/hour after your scheduled return time. You will pay us or the appropriate government authority all parking, traffic and toll violations, citations, fines, penalties, forfeitures, court costs, towing, storage and impound charges and other expenses involving the vehicle assessed against us or the vehicle; if you fail to pay a parking, traffic or toll charge to the charging authority, you will pay us all fees owed to the charging authority plus our administrative fee of $50 for each such violation.

9 .    Personal Information. You agree that we may disclose personally identifiable information about you to applicable law enforcement agencies or to other third parties in connection with the enforcement of our rights under this Agreement. Questions regarding privacy should be directed to the location where you rented the Vehicle. You agree, for us to service or otherwise administer our account or to recover any amounts you may owe, that we or any assignee or collection agency of our choosing, may contact you by telephone at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers, which could result in additional charges to you. We, our assignee, or any collection agency of our choosing, may also contact you by sending text messages or e-mails, using any e-mail address you provide to use. Methods of contact may include using pre-recorded/artificial voice messages and/or the use of an automatic dialing device, as applicable.

10.    Deposit. Following prior written notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure, we may use your deposit to pay any undisputed amounts owed to us under this agreement.

11.    Your Property. You release us, our agents and our employees from all verifiable and substantiated third-party claims for loss of, or damage to, your personal property or that of any other person, that we received, handled or stored, or that was left or carried in or on the vehicle or in any service vehicle or our offices.

12.     Breach of Agreement. The acts listed in paragraph 6 above are prohibited uses of the vehicle and constitute breaches of this agreement.

13.    Modifications. No term of this agreement can be waived or modified except in writing, signed by us. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and us. All prior representations and agreements between you and us regarding this rental are void.
If you shorten a trip for which you received a duration discount (3+, 7+, 30+ days) and the new trip length falls below the discount threshold, you may owe an additional amount. We’ll compute the new discount, if any, using the current discount in place at the time of the change request. If there’s a balance due, we’ll display it as a separate line item before you submit your request and charge your payment on file or submit a new invoice due on the day of the request.  If your early return results in a refund, we’ll notify you and refund you for the trip’s unused time. If we collected a trip deposit, we’ll refund that deposit within 2 days of the new trip end time, as long as there are no issues or damage found. If you need to end your trip early because of a mechanical or vehicle issue, contact us.
The cost of extending depends on the length of the extension. We may charge different prices for different days or offer 3+, 7+, or 30+ day duration discounts, either of which could impact the cost of your extension. If an extension makes your trip eligible for a discount, we’ll apply it to the trip price for the added days. The trip price is the sum of the daily price for each day the vehicle is booked. The length of your extension also will determine the added price of any daily charges, such as trip fees and protection plan costs. We will communicate all new costs for extending in a new price quote when you submit the extension request. 

14.    Miscellaneous. A waiver by us of any breach of this agreement is not a waiver of any additional breach or waiver of the performance of your obligations under this agreement. Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this agreement. You hereby release us from any consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages of any kind, and the amount of damages recoverable by you from us will not exceed your actual, direct damages. If any provision of this agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions are valid and enforceable. In the event a legal action is instituted arising out of or relating to this Agreement, whether in tort, contract, or otherwise, you agree to pay all of our reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by us in the event we prevail.

15.    Venue and Choice of Law. Any and all claims or causes of action arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be brought in the District Court of Oklahoma County, and Oklahoma law shall apply irrespective of any conflicts of law to the contrary.

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